Killer web content that focuses on the art—and the science.

These days, there are thousands—tens of thousands!—of writers who claim to know all about web content writing.

The truth is, web writing is every bit as much a science as it is an art. It’s not enough to simply place compelling words on a page. It’s most important to create research-driven content that ranks high in search engines and keeps your prospects glued to your pages.

As a search engine-oriented Web Content Writer, I go way beyond what the typical web writer offers. I am well versed in the latest web site readability studies. So I can help make certain that prospects find your homepage, and navigate throughout your site with killer web content that grabs their attention and takes them all the way to final click. For instance, did you know…

Seven out of 10 prospects will read no more than your homepage.

If you don’t attract the prospect at your homepage, you’ve just lost your customer. I know how to succinctly and compellingly get your prospects to read on…and on…and on…until they take action.

Most prospects will only read one-third of the words of an average Web page.

Recent readability studies confirm it. Prospects read in an “F-shaped” format: the headline first, then the subhead, then the page’s LEFT side. That is where your dominant message should be placed.

Fancy formatting and marketing jargon inevitably fail.

One of the biggest mistakes many businesses make is to request that the writer adopt a jargony corporate tone, to prove that they are the authority in a given area. In fact, straightforward and customer-centered content and design virtually ALWAYS outpulls clever phrases and marketing murk.

It’s all about differentiating yourself from your competitors.

All too many Web sites start out like this: “We are a 30-year-old company dedicated to exceptional service.” Really? What if the Web content spoke directly to the client: “Your customers are counting on you to get your product to them exactly when you promised because their reputation is on the line. We’re committed to providing you with exceptional service and our 99% on-time record proves it…” NOW you’re talking!

As one of the internet’s top Website Content Writers, I’ve created content from scratch for launch companies, Fortune 500 corporations and everything in between. I know what works…what doesn’t…and why. That’s why I’m the writer of choice for companies that need professional copywriting, marketing copywriting, and more.

I can partner with your team or better still, bring in my highly skilled experts—designers, SEO professionals, and more.